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survey control中文是什么意思

用"survey control"造句"survey control"怎么读"survey control" in a sentence


  • 测量控制


  • Usually for a precise survey control points are established by triangulation .
  • Establishment of product management system for surveying control network based on gis
  • Survey control network
  • The survey control networks provide the essential reference points for all types of land and engineering surveys
  • A geodetic survey information system has been set up to facilitate the co - ordination and dissemination of survey control information . the office produces a variety of maps
  • In the segment precasting , cantilever erection and bridge deck construction during the paksey bridge construction , the precise surveying control results in the minimum error between the bridge deck line and the designed line
  • Through analyzing the structure of open caisson , and according to sinking stress principle , the paper introduced in the open caisson construction process sinking , correcting error , survey control as well as peculiar circumstance processing technical measure , such as in open caisson construction the inner - mold for sanding , framework supporting and steel binding , and concrete casting ; in open caisson sinking - control the sand in edge foot inner - mold , sand - pumping sinking , and pressure hydraulic monitor breaking and pressure - blowing sinking by air pressure blower etc
  • The present application status of gps technique in land management is expounded , especially , the status of establishing land use database for county ( city ) level is emphatically introduced , and its main problems are analysed . the conception , characteristic , and application of all kinds of positioning methods using gps are introduced . the technique scheme of land surveying control network and the technique scheme of acquiring high accuracy data of land resources using gps technique are designed , and the realization method of key technique is indicated
用"survey control"造句  


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